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Our Club was established in 1929 and has been serving Jerusalem, the regional and worldwide for over 81 years.
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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fwd: העברה: Mudgee Sunrise Rotary Club - International Toast

Mark Alan Zober

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From: "nezar " <nt_gpi@yahoo.com>
Date: March 2, 2010 2:21:02 GMT+02:00
To: rotarymark@gmail.com
Subject: העברה: Mudgee Sunrise Rotary Club - International Toast
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From: "Imaginations Early Learning Centre" <gjblogg@bigpond.com>
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 11:10:03 +1100
Subject: Mudgee Sunrise Rotary Club - International Toast

Hi   Nezar, Please see attached a toast from the Rotary Club of Mudgee Sunrise.

Each week we find an event or anniversary that we can associate with a Rotary Club outside Australia.

On Friday we celebrated the birthday of Ariel Sharon, born in what is now Israel, hence the toast to your club.

We have our own web log where we post information about Mudgee, our club and each week's international toast. To view go to http://mudgeesunriserotary.wordpress.com/

Kind regards,

Gary Blogg,

International Director, Rotary Club of Mudgee Sunrise



Friday 26th February 2010


Who Am I?  I was born on this day in 1926 in the British Mandate of Palestine, to a family of Lithuanian Jews

At age 14, I joined the Haganah, the underground paramilitary force and the Jewish military precursor to the Israel Defense Forces


I had a long and controversial career in the Israeli military, but also studied History, Oriental studies and later Law at the Universities of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.


I achieved the rank of Major General in the Israeli Defence Force. In the 1967 Six-Day War, I commanded the most powerful armored division on the Sinai front.


Due to my aggressive actions during the Yom Kippur war in 1973 I am widely viewed as a war hero who saved Israel from defeat in Sinai


I retired from the military and entered politics in 1973. I became Israeli Defence Minister in 1981 and Prime Minister in 2001.


In early 2006 I suffered a major stroke and have been in a vegetative coma ever since.


I am Ariel Sharon


So let's visit the Rotary Club of Jerusalem, Capitol of Israel


The club was chartered in 1929. Its 39 members meet Wednesdays for lunch at the Y.M.C.A. King David Street


Here's cheers to the Rotary Club of Jerusalem



Imaginations Early Learning Centre

13 Court St



Ph:     02 6372 2040

Fax:   02 6372 2091


Email  info@imaginationselc.com.au

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