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Our Club was established in 1929 and has been serving Jerusalem, the regional and worldwide for over 81 years.
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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Looking Back on Rotary Year 2009-10

The Jerusalem Rotary Club summary activities for RY‭ ‬2009-10

The Rotary Year started on Wednesday July‭ ‬8,‭ ‬2009‭ ‬at the Changeover Dinner at Beit Shmuel in Jerusalem with‭ ‬60‭ ‬Rotarians and guests in attendance.

President Kern Wisman handed over the gavel to President Mark Zober

Mark Zober presents his incoming team‭ – ‬Treasurer Roy Rissanen,‭ ‬Secretary Nezar Tannous and Program Chair Art Braunstein.‭ ‬Zober declares launching a strategic planning process to determine the goals and objectives of the Club based the interest of board and general membership

The first major event was the Yale Whiffenpoof Concert held at the Jerusalem International YMCA chaired by P/P Marilyn Farber.‭ ‬The event was completely sold out with‭ ‬660‭ ‬in attendance.‭ ‬The profits were divided between the Whifenpoofs and the Club.

The strategic planning process was launched in July.‭ ‬The board and membership accepted the commitment to achieve the RI Presidential Criteria criteria for a successful year.‭ ‬This started with significantly increasing our Club membership.‭ ‬By December the Club had inducted‭ ‬3‭ ‬new members and in last Januaary added another‭ ‬3‭ ‬members thus achieving a‭ ‬20%‭ ‬increase in membership.‭ ‬This achievement is credited to P/P Richard Fan,‭ ‬membership chair.

The second Presidential Criterion was to raise‭ ‬$1,000‭ ‬USD.‭ ‬Rotarian Dr.‭ ‬Sophie Simons accepted responsibility for raising the money was raised by February‭ ‬2010‭ ‬and transferred to The Rotary Foundation.‭

The third criterion for the Presidential Citation was the funding and implementation of service projects.‭ ‬This effort was led by P/P Rafi Aldor and his outstanding Community Service Committee.‭

The first project was a matching in partnership with two Rotary Clubs in Dusseldorf,‭ ‬Germany and Sao Paulo,‭ ‬Brazil‭ – ‬an assisted animal therapy program at the Tisch Family Gardens and Zoo in Jerusalem.‭ ‬The item purchased was an All Terrain Vehicle‭ (‬ATV‭) – ‬total budget‭ ‬$21,000‭ ‬USD.

The second project was the purchasye of a special wheelchair for severely handicapped children at Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem.‭ ‬15,000‭ ‬NIS was raised in two weeks around our Hannukah Party/Fundraiser.‭ ‬Special recognition to the generosity of our club members and notably Josie Lee.

The third community service was to support the‭ ‬Jerusalem Rape Crisis Center‭ ‬-writing and distribution of educational material designed for teenagers.‭ ‬Special thanks to Past President Ruth Harris who brought this outstanding project to our attention.

An ad hoc Haiti Earthquake Relief was committee was established headed by Dr.‭ ‬Sophie Simon with‭ ‬Roy Rissanen and Art Braunstein‭ – ‬all with experience in international development.‭ ‬We are still searching for a sustainable relief project in Haiti.

The next Presidential Criterion was to conduct a public relations campaign.‭ ‬We did this in two
parts‭ – ‬for the Whiffenpoof concert‭ ‬-5,000‭ ‬NIS and for the Jerusalem Young Speakers‭ (‬district‭) ‬competition‭ ‬4,000‭ ‬NIS.

The Young Speakers Competition was another successful event-‭ ‬a partnership with Rotary
‭ ‬Club Jerusalem West and the Jerusalem Municipality for a full house at the municipality of over‭ ‬200‭ ‬participants.

The club held a retreat in Tiberias for three days in March-‭ ‬fun and community building with‭ ‬17
‭ ‬members and friends in attendance‭

We are also pleased to have nominated Yossi Eisenberg for the Peace and Understanding Shield‭ – ‬rejected.‭ ‬We made a special effort to attend every district and eshcol event possible.‭

It has been a very special Rotary Year in Jerusalem.‭ ‬On Wednesday July‭ ‬8,‭ ‬2010‭ ‬Nikolaus Kircher will be handed the gavel at a very special Changeover at August Victoria‭ – ‬The Kaiser Whelhelm Room.‭ ‬Another outstanding year ahead‭!

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