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Our Club was established in 1929 and has been serving Jerusalem, the regional and worldwide for over 81 years.
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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Rotary Chat with RI President K R Ravindran, held 19 August 2015

Rotary Chat with RI President K R Ravindran, held 19 August 2015

More than 1,400 tweets were contributed to #RotaryChat from at least 300 participants in 30+ countries (representing a fraction of the total audience). President Ravindran interacted directly with dozens of Rotarians, Rotaractors, alumni and prospective members, responding to numerous questions and comments in real time. The president’s engagement inspired overwhelmingly positive sentiment throughout the hour-long open forum, which was structured around 5 membership-focused questions posed by @Rotary.

The Storify includes several rich “why I joined, why I stayed” testimonials, stories about local club and Rotaract projects and provides the president’s interactions in context. #RotaryChat once again became a trending topic due to a high volume of participation, engagement and sharing.

ACTION: Follow #Rotarychat on Twitter to learn when & to participate in the next chat with RI President K.R. Ravindran

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Yefe Nof,Ashqelon,Israel

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